Join Us 💪
Want to use your skills to make a positive impact? Passionate about the planet and creating positive change? Then you might be the one we’re looking for ;) See below for open positions.
mymizuは、私たちの活動を次のステップへ引き上げるために、コミュニケーション&オペレーションズ アソシエイト又はリード (パート)を募集しています。ご興味がある方は以下の詳細ページをご確認ください!
Lead the Change
Why join?
〜 やりがい! 〜
Use your skills, knowledge and experience to create tangible change, and see the direct impact of your work on our community and society
Enjoy a flexible work style, from FlexTime to working remotely overseas for part of the year - we encourage our team to work in a way that enables them to live their best lives.
Gain unique insights into running an award-running social venture (2 x Minister of Environment Award, iF World Design Guide Social Impact Prize, Business Insider Circular Economy Award, etc)
Work directly with our leadership team, recognised as industry leaders by the likes of Forbes, BBC and CNN.
Grow personally and professionally in a fast-paced, creative environment - including training and development opportunities.
Join a team that cares passionately about the work they do
Meet and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, including global brands, startups, NPOs, schools, universities and more.
Have fun! Meet and work with a diverse group of people, all united by a passion to change society for the better.
We prioritise health and wellbeing - because we need to be well ourselves in order to do good.
数々の受賞歴に輝くソーシャルベンチャーの運営に参加する絶好のチャンス!(環境大臣賞2回、iF World Design Guide Social Impact Prize、Business Insider Circular Economy Awardなど)
Forbes、BBC、CNN などでサステナブル業界のリーダーとして取り上げられているリーダーシップチームと一緒に仕事をすることができます。
Inspire and Connect
OPEN POSITIONS / 募集中のポジション
Find out more about our open positions by clicking the links below.
Organisational Culture
Working at Social Innovation Japan / mymizu is an exciting opportunity to build your career in social impact, and directly see the positive impact of your efforts.
We are a team of challengers and collaborative problem solvers who break new ground every day. We don’t shy away from big problems, and are always developing exciting partnerships with major brands, schools, universities and governments for impact.
Every team member - whether full-time, part-time or volunteer - brings their own unique story, background and perspective, and we cherish that diversity as an organisation. Since our establishment in 2017, we have created a flexible, safe working environment for people from 20+ countries and ensure health, wellbeing and personal development is a top priority.
Let’s work together for a better tomorrow.
一般社団法人 Social Innovation Japan / mymizuでのお仕事は、社会的インパクトやサステナビリティの分野でキャリアを積み、ご自身の仕事がポジティブな影響を与えるということを直接実感できる、エキサイティングな機会です。
Case Studies: Collaborations & Partnerships
Nike Japan x mymizu
Sustainability, Sports & Gamification
Read more here
PADI x mymizu
Scuba Diving, Youth Empowerment, Oceans
Read more here
Design, Social Change & Public Awareness
Read more here
About mymizu
mymizu (“mizu” means water in Japanese) is a multiple-award-winning initiative to tackle plastic waste. The mymizu app connects people to 200,000+ free water refill stations (water fountains and partner cafes, shops, hotels) globally. Furthermore, mymizu provides sustainability training, educational programs and consultancy services to tens of thousands of people per year, building a movement towards a world where sustainable living is easy and fun. Website:
mymizu は「給水でサステナブルがあたりまえな世界に」をビジョンに掲げ、給水する人のためのプラットフォームやコミュニティづくりを行っています。mymizu アプリでは、世界 20 万箇所のカフェや公共施設など無料で給水できる「mymizuスポット」で、気軽に水を補給でき、プラスチックや CO2 排出量の削減に取り組むことが可能です。利用者は街で新たな無料の給水スポットを見つけたらアプリに登録もできる、共創型のプラットフォームです。mymizuは、非営利型一般社団法人Social Innovation Japanによって生まれたプロジェクトです。国内外問わず社会的イノベーションを大きく活性化することをミッションとしています。2020年には「環境大臣賞」を受賞した他、日経クロストレンドの「未来の市場をつくる100社」としても取り上げられました。
About Social Innovation Japan
Social Innovation Japan, selected by Nikkei in its prestigious list of ‘100 businesses creating the future of Japan’, is an international organisation of social impact and sustainability specialists. Since 2017, we have worked with some of the world’s leading brands, entrepreneurs, local governments and nonprofits to drive positive change; from running leadership programs, organising training sessions and building a diverse community of change makers, to creating award-winning products and services that tackle real-world problems. Together, we’re creating a movement for change from Japan, with the rest of the world. Website:
一般社団法人Social Innovation Japanは、日本を拠点とした、ソーシャルインパクトとサステナビリティの専門家たちによる団体です。2017年以来、グローバル企業・官公庁・ソーシャルチェンジメーカーと一緒に、世界の問題について考え、取り組み、実際に変化を生み出してきました。私たちは社会にインパクトを創り出す想いのある人とともに、持続可能でフェアな未来をつくるために活動しています。