🎉 mymizu 5周年記念レポート公開!

mymizu Team チーム


A world where sustainable living is the norm, not the exception


Co-create an unstoppable movement for sustainability, one bottle at a time



The future is co-created.
If we can connect millions of mission-driven people,
we can kickstart a movement and build a world where sustainable living is the norm.
That’s why we’re building a platform and community of change agents.

Our Story










20.09 Tsushima_GoPro-19.jpg
mymizu ペットボトル 海洋ゴミ.jpg

mymizu was born on a tropical island in southern Japan. On a walk one day, co-founders Mariko and Robin came across an entire beach covered in litter. And amongst all of the scattered waste, there was one culprit that stood out in number; single-use PET bottles. 

That was the moment we decided to take action; to tackle the problem at the source and build a movement for sustainable living.

Starting with the mymizu app, we provide people with access to 200,000 water refill points globally where you can refill your water bottle - for free. With mymizu, you can say bye-bye to bottled water; it’s good for the wallet, the body and the planet! 

We also help people live more sustainable lives by providing creative educational experiences, consultancy services, lifestyle products, and collaborating with like-minded allies for the environment.

In the face of the environmental crisis, it’s easy to lose hope and feel powerless. But we believe that one million small actions - when combined - can move mountains.

Join us on our journey as we build a world with cleaner oceans, healthier ecosystems and happier people - one bottle at a time!


Our Team


At mymizu, we’re on a mission to help people live more sustainably - in ways that are fun, easy and good for the planet. By co-creating tools and community - like our free refill app - we’re building a world with cleaner oceans, healthier ecosystems and happier people!


Robin Takashi Lewis


2011年、エジンバラ大学国際ビジネス学修士課程卒業。世界銀行やUNDP のコンサルタントとしての経験を含め、20ヶ国以上における国際機関、社会的企業、NGOで活動した経験を持つ。2020年にMITテクノロジーレビュー主催のアワード「Innovators Under 35 Japan 2020」において、未来を創る35歳未満のイノベーターに選出された。渋谷QWSイノベーション協議会理事。Youth4Nature理事。

Robin is an experienced professional in the sustainable development space, having worked with social enterprises, corporations, and inter-governmental organisations around the world for 10+ years. He graduated with a MA in International Business from Edinburgh University, and was recently recognised by MIT Technology Review’s ‘Top Innovators Under-35 Japan’ awards. Robin is also a Board Member of Shibuya QWS and a Board Member of Youth4Nature.


Mariko McTier


ロンドン大学卒業後、中日新聞社ロンドン支局に務め、2014年に駐日英国大使館の国際通商部に勤務。日本と英国間のイノベーションを促進すると共に、2017年よりフリーランスとして社会的企業でプロボノやコンサルティングの仕事を受け始める。Forbes JAPAN2020年に、「セルフメイドウーマン」として取り上げられる。世界経済フォーラム 「Global Future Council on Japan」カウンシルメンバー。

A recovering journalist, Mariko has planned, managed and delivered international projects for government, corporations and social ventures for over a decade. She is a Council Member for the World Economic Forum’s “Global Future Council on Japan”, and has been featured in Forbes Japan as one of Japan’s “100 Self-Made Women”.



Lawrie Cate

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)


Software engineer and computer science specialist with experience at a number of Japan’s leading tech startups, Lawrie has led the technology component of the mymizu platform since its inception.

Eri Murazumi

Communications & Community Development Manager


A former journalist with experience covering circular business and gender issues, Eri now leads a wide range of mymizu’s communications and community development projects. 



Mare Kasuga

Communications & Community Associate


Mare supports the mymizu community of Refill Partners as well as a wide range of communications and community projects. She grew up performing on stage and is interested in the relationship between art, wellbeing and activism, as well as gender and environmental issues. Her dream is to make the theatre industry sustainable for both humans and the planet. 

Manapo Ishikawa

Social Media Manager


Runs mymizu’s social media accounts. A medical student who likes to travel and has volunteered abroad to tackle social and environmental issues. 


Our Amazing Pro Bono / Volunteer Team

Tom Fajst

mymizu Refill Spots Network Lead

Annie Hoang

UX Designer

Valeriya Fajst

mymizu Refill Partners Network

Buyna Tugsbaatar

mymizu Refill Spots Network

Ayumi Kudo


Nahoko Miki

Digital Marketing

Julie Sasaki mymizu.jpg

Julie Sasaki


Reiko Suzuki


Natsuki Nakahara


Anna Bedulina

Product Manager

Ghosananda Wijaya

Software Engineer


Collaborators & Supporters

We have an amazing team of volunteers contributing to the mymizu Open Source Web App, as well as individuals and partner organisations who collaborate and support our work too. Find out more on our partners & supporters page!


20カ国以上のメディア掲載 |As featured in



mymizu is borne out of Social Innovation Japan, a registered non-profit organisation with a mission to activate greater social innovation in and out of Japan.

mymizuは、非営利型一般社団法人Social Innovation Japanから生まれたプロジェクトです。


団体概要 | Organisation Information

団体名| Name 一般社団法人Social Innovation Japan

設立日 | Established 2019年1月7日

住所地 | Address

〒150-0001東京都渋谷区神宮前六丁目23番4号 桑野ビル2階
一般社団法人Social Innovation Japan


代表理事 | Representative Directors ルイスロビン敬、マクティア マリコ

代表的な事業や取り組み | Main Projects

  • Sustainability x Innovation 給水アプリ「mymizu」

  • SDGs関連のイベント・プログラムなど

  • SDGsやサスティナビリティに関するコンサルティング事業

  • 企業・教育機関向けのイベント・人材育成プログラムなど

受賞履歴 | Awards

所属組織など | Affiliations